The People Effect

This is an article published in CNN today. It is pure and utter bullshit (remember, I am a denier). It is tired, worn and inflammatory. It simply is not true. However, it does have value in that the authour has pretty much listed the complete spectrum of arguments and terror tactics being used by the alarmist movement today in...

This blog will be a collection of stories and references that relate to the formation of the global warming movement. In particular, I want to explore how it began and the motivations and actions of the characters (because they are just people) behind it all.

In 1988 the IPCC was created. Since that time it has managed to thoroughly confuse the world through as series of Global Reports that progressively worsen as they predict the end of mankind due to our excessive consumption of petroleum products. This fear has spread and been manipulated by media, politician, special interest groups, charlatans, and...

The most popular of all statistics declares that "97% of climate scientists believe anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is a significant problem." A colleague and climate change activist at Cornell recently claimed in a debate at Cornell, "that 97% number is not even debatable." He's right; it's complete garbage. Over 11,000 abstracts from papers...

I wish to discuss a particular period of time in our modern population's lifeline. I wish to detail some of the changes that occurred during this time that are unprecedented in history and then I wish to speculate on how they are affecting our attitudes towards global climate concerns today.

Here's a thought. "In 1945 the World came to an end - and then restarted." The "flood" that destroyed that world began around the turn of the century and abated with the end of the Second World War. This "second flood" (multiple wars, depressions, dictatorships, genocides, nuclear bombs..) had destroyed the infrastructure of the pre 1945 world and...

I was watching a local politician seeking re-election the other day. He was expounding about the crisis we are facing as our climate deteriorates and laying out the actions he would take to correct the problem if only he was elected. Now, I've never known this person to be linked to the societal movement that is rabid about correcting...

This post is accompanying an earlier post which brought up the possibility that we have just simply covered the earth with too many people and the combined effect of the demands brought by this populace is causing havoc every time a weather event occurs. After writing this, it kept niggling at me that this would come across to younger generations...

Believers versus Deniers. The debate of the century. The prize is the Future - money, power and the hearts and minds of the voting public(s). The issue - did we burn too much carbon and trigger our Planet towards Armageddon? Is it too late to stop it - or better yet reverse it - and get back to Utopia?

Our modern day human race is presently accused of burning too much Carbon - a practice prehistorically welcomed in order to support primal needs for food, clothing and protection from the elements. However, after millennias of abuse the modern human race now appears to be facing a breaking point whereby our previously "defeated" Mother Nature has...

Every day when I turn on the TV I am faced with an onslaught of bad news. Coincident with that message I hear of mega plans being prepared to stave off our coming armageddon, carefully prepared and presented by our ruling "elite". The theme of this resurrection seems to be that I will have to make changes to my...

Is it just me? It's my fault that the Earth is warming up? Shame on me for buying that '81 Z28 way back when! Of course, the problem couldn't stem from the fact that there's just too many people on the face of the earth could it? 8 billion and counting... How did we ever get ourselves into this mess?...

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